Birth of a Breakthrough

No One Said It Would Be Easy

Derek Prince provides Biblical inspiration to keep you from missing your moment of victory. You can move through the labour pains to the fulfilment of God's plan. Isn't that what you are longing for?

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$12.95 AUD

Breakthroughs in our lives usually come at a cost. Almost always, they entail a prolonged process of toil and prayer. Sometimes the process is tough—just like the labour involved in giving birth. Many find it too hard and give up in discouragement. It doesn’t have to end that way.

In this book, Derek Prince provides Biblical inspiration to keep you from missing your moment of victory. You can move through the labour pains to the fulfillment of God’s plan. Isn’t that what you are longing for?

No one said it would be easy. But with God’s help, you can do it. So, grit your teeth, set your face, and experience your very own Birth of a Breakthrough.


Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Christian Living
Study Level:
Available Languages: English
Pages: 94*
Product Code:
SKUs: B138
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 20 g

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