Derek Prince - A Biography

Derek Prince (1915-2003) is one of the most prominent Bible teachers of the 20th century.

This biography is as gritty a book as you will ever read about a religious figure. You will be inspired to practice the lessons God had pressed into Derek Prince's life: the discipline of fasting, the power of Scripture, the necessity of thanksgiving, the impact of prayer, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Format: Hardback
Language: English
Sale price$26.95 AUD

When Stephen Mansfield asked Derek Prince what was the most important truth he had learned about life, Derek answered, "God is faithful. He keeps His word. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I cannot emphasize this enough. It is the greatest truth of my life: God is faithful."

This biography stirs your faith as you discover Prince's biblical wisdom and insight as well as his legacy as a father, prophet, teacher, and leader. As you read the story of Derek's truly remarkable life and ministry - which has led to an international organization providing Bible teaching in more than sixty languages, reaching six continents, every time zone and 120 nations - you will marvel at God's faithfulness and the truth of Derek's words. In the same way God used Derek's life, be inspired by this book and allow God to use your surrendered life to draw more meaning and purpose from it than you can possibly imagine.

"Derek Prince ministered the Word of God as no other single Bible teacher of our generation. His Bible insights and his deep commitment to the Holy Spirit has left us a deep and lasting legacy." Colin Dye, Senior Minister, Kensington Temple

"This book will be a particular inspiration to those who value and respect the life and teaching of Derek Prince. For those unfamiliar with the great saint, it could introduce them to a new hero!" Lyndon Bowring, Chairman, CARE

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Biography
Study Level:
Available Languages: English
Pages: *
Product Code:
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 645 g

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