Does Your Tongue Need Healing?

You will eat the fruits of your words.

Words shape your destiny! Since the tongue is the source of both death and life, it is imperative to know how it may be healed.

Format: MP3
Language: English
Sale price$7.90 AUD

Since the tongue is the source of both death and life, it is imperative to know how it may be healed.

Two Part Series:

  • Does Your Tongue Need Healing? - Part 1
  • Does Your Tongue Need Healing? - Part 2

Each part contains five 12-minute programmes.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Christian Living
Study Level: Advanced
Available Languages: English
Product Code: BK-T085-100-AMH
Number of Discs: 2
SKUs: CDRS528, MPRS528

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 101 g
Number of Discs: 2

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