Final Judgement

Discover the vital truths of the Christian faith in a fresh way and develop a strong life of faith!

Derek Prince lays out principles of God’s judgment. Exploring the distinctive aspects of four judgments described in the Bible—their who, what, and why—Derek reveals the treasures hidden there. With study guide for Individual and group study.

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$5.95 AUD

This booklet examines the four major, successive scenes of judgment in eternity. Exploring the distinctive aspects of these four judgments - the who, the what and the why of them - Derek opens the Scriptures to bring forth treasures hidden there.

This last of the foundation doctrines refers to God’s judgments in history as well as judgments that will confront us when we step out of time into eternity.

  • The judgment seat of Christ.
  • The judgment of Israel.
  • The judgment of the Gentile nations.
  • The great white throne judgment.

This booklet series takes you through the central truths of the gospel as presented in Hebrews 6:1–2. This is the tenth segment of that teaching.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Growth
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Pages: *
Product Code:
SKUs: B109, eB109
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 48 g

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