Living as Salt and Light

God is calling you to transform your world

The world is in desperate need of change, and we as Christians have the means to alter the course of events in our cities and nations according to God's will.

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$20.95 AUD

Many countries are facing possibly the greatest crises of their entire history. What a tragedy it would be if we Christians failed to make any positive effect on the needs of the nation in which we live! Yet victory is the destiny of God's people. Be part of His plan to transform your life, the lives of other people, and the very life of your country.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Christian Living, Spiritual Growth, and Spiritual Warfare
Study Level: Intermediate
Available Languages: English, Chinese
Pages: 230*
Product Code: BK-B116-100-ENG
SKUs: B116, B116CH
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 246 g

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