Lucifer Exposed

Overcome the Devil's plans to destroy your life

This book from Derek Prince is one of the most comprehensive explorations of Satan's strategies and tactics you will ever read. Use the mighty spiritual warfare weapons revealed in this compelling book, and victory can be yours!

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$18.95 AUD

The fall of Lucifer set up "the battle of the ages." You are positioned right in the midst of this historic struggle. In this revealing book Derek exposes Satan's greatest weapon in enslaving the average human into bondage. Satan attempts to seduce Christians from rising to their full potential and to distract every human being from following God.

Are you - or someone you know - struggling with abuse, pornography, addiction, gluttony, or other issues? Use the mighty spiritual warfare weapons revealed in this compelling teaching, and victory can be yours!

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Warfare
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Pages: 154*
Product Code: BK-B066-200-ENG
SKUs: B66
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 203 g

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