Receiving God's Promises

Inherit your earthly and heavenly blessings in Christ

Every day, challenges arise in our lives that can be met through God's powerful provision. Discover how to claim your inheritance today. Journal edition.

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$20.95 AUD

Every day, challenges arise in our lives that can be met through God's powerful provision. In a very practical way, renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince shows us how to address our difficulties and have our needs supplied by claiming the specific promises appropriate for each situation.

We can receive blessings in the form of wisdom, guidance, favour at work, good relationships, financial prosperity, healing, peace of mind and more. God's provision is in His promises, and His promises are our inheritance - now and for all eternity! Discover how to claim your inheritance today.

'God has given us everything we need.... He has given us His very great and precious promises.' (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV)

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Christian Living and Spiritual Growth
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Pages: 230*
Product Code: BK-B128-100-ENG
SKUs: B128
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 156 mm
Width: 234 mm
Thickness: 12 mm
Weight: 0 g

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